Plan Management
Plan Management Made Easy

We make it easy!
Plan Management costs are provided by the NDIS as an extra budget in your NDIS plan and do not take money away from your other services or supports.
Whether you are a new NDIS Participant and being asked to select a Plan Manager or you've had your NDIS plan a while and need a change or the management of your funding has changed, we've made it easy for you...
Just call NDIS on 1800 800 110 or let your NDIS Planner know at your NDIS Planning Meeting you want to use
You First as your Plan Manager (ABN 23 629 649 805).
It really is that simple!
We will sort out all the paperwork, get your account up and running (usually within 24 hours) and provide you access to our online Plan Management portal.
You stay in control of approving or declining your provider invoices through our easy to use Plan Management app. where you can also view your NDIS Plan budgets and our forecast spend in real time 24/7.
You First Plan Management offers you the benefits of a personalized service delivered by a small team of Plan Managers who will take the time to get to know you combined with the online systems of the big Plan Managers.
Here to Support You!
You First Plan Managers don't just process your provider invoices, they can help you to increase your financial & plan management skills, check provider invoices compliance, regularly review your budget and provide you with monthly statements.
You First Plan Managers are here to support You!
All our plan managers are experienced in financial management, hold practicing certificates from the Institute of Certified Bookkeepers, have worked in the NDIS for many years, understand how NDIS plans and budgets work and are always checking that claims against your NDIS plan are complaint with NDIS rules.
You First Plan Manager can assist you to successfully budget & navigate the complexities of using your NDIS plan funding.
Ready to sign up! Just call NDIS on 1800 800 110 and let them know you wish to start or change to using
You First (ABN 23 629 649 805) as your Plan Manager.
Alternatively, complete our NDIS Plan Management registration form and we will give you a call to discuss your Plan Management supports in more detail.

Why Choose You First?
You First Plan Management team are separate to all our other services to ensure they are able to provide you with independent and unbiased support that work for you.
Our plan managers understand how the NDIS works and have access to the latest information and resources to be able to support you to get the most value from your NDIS plan.
If you would like to have a chat to us about our plan management then please fill out our online referral form or call us on 1300 52 56 56.